30 x 40cm, Oil on Fine Stretched Linen
The art studio
So, here it is; my latest painting…
…Fresh off the easel, and still ever so slightly wet!
Of course, there is no shortage of this subject at this time of year.
And you may notice that the bottles are empty. Well, I have found that it is very important to research my subject thoroughly before painting it! It’s an awful job!
I have another painting of the same subject on the go as we speak, which I hope to complete before Christmas… So, watch this space!
Week in a Nutshell
Highlight: Putting our Christmas tree up and finally beginning to feel festive.
Watching: ‘For Life’ (Sky Witness) Awful to think this actually does happen.
Reading: ‘Murder on the Oxford Canal’ by Faith Martin
Looking forward to: Cracking open the Bailey’s. That’s when Christmas starts in our house.