Painting of a Martini…

Title: Into the Spirit


100 x 75 cm, Realism oil painting of a Martini Cocktail with Olives.

The perfect feature artwork for a kitchen, pub, bar or club!

Click the video above to see the process of this painting, start to finish!

Back soon! x

Into the Spirit…

(As always, you need to click on the image to see the whole thing)

I’ve been working on this painting for some time, and ta-da, here it is! 

Now, the original plan was to unveil it on New Year’s Eve, but you know how Christmas is—utter chaos, mince pies flying everywhere, and life just getting in the way. So, I thought, “Ah, perfect, I’ll share it to mark the end of dry January instead.” Well, that plan didn’t exactly pan out either because, we threw in the towel on the 10th—oops, no regrets! Honestly, January is such a grim, grey, miserable slog of a month. The days are so short, and life’s too flipping short to deprive ourselves of the occasional drinky-poo to survive it. 

The story behind the title:

Now, you might be wondering about the title of the piece. Well, here’s the thing: I’ve been hooked on a couple of really fascinating podcasts lately—‘Haunted UK’ and ‘Uncanny’. Both are about hauntings and all things spooky here in the UK. There’s more going on in this world than meets the eye. Ghosts? Spirits? Call them what you like, but I think there’s something to the idea of lingering echoes when we shuffle off to the pearly gates.

I ended up listening to these podcasts throughout the entire painting process, and, no doubt, it had a hand in the dark and atmospheric vibe this one ended up with. And as for the title—well, that came easy! The glass holds a spirit (as in the liquid sort), and I was eyebrow-deep in stories about spirits of the otherworldly variety. See what I did there? Voilà! The perfect title was born.

So, that’s the story—I hope you enjoy it! Cheers!

So… What’s next?

Well, I’m soon to have some company joining me in my studio, which could be interesting!

Week in a Nutshell:

Highlight: Meeting our new puppy, coming soon!

Reading: ‘The Man She Married’ by Alison James

Looking forward to: February the 9th! Watch this space!

Watching: ‘Joan’ ITVX

Sandra Busby

Painter of playful light in glass and still-life.

Jackson’s Art Prize 2025 Competion…


Painting of a CupcAKe…