(As always, you’ll need to click on the image to see the full painting)
It’s been too long since I last posted on my blog!
Since I painted the egg in my previous post, I’ve actually completed three more paintings, which I will share with you, starting with this one.
It seems that marbles continue to pull me back to them as a subject from time to time and I always enjoy revisiting them. I think my reason for liking them so much is the memories they hold for me, hence the title, ‘Nostalgia.’
My Nan & Grandad had a small collection of marbles which they used to keep in a ‘Stork SB’ Margarine tub, along with a handmade solitaire board. My sister and I used to make a beeline to the cupboard in which they were kept, whenever we visited on a Sunday.
Ahh… memories…..
So… What’s next?
Well, in the next post, I will share my latest painting. It was a totally new subject to me and I loved every moment of painting it!
Week in a Nutshell
Highlight: Finishing my latest painting
Reading: ‘When You Disappeared’ by John Marrs
Looking forward to: Dinner with friends this weekend
Watching: ‘The Long Shadow’