New Work in Progress…
New Beginnings
…It took way longer for this canvas to arrive than it should have. I’m not sure if the hold-up was to do with covid, Brexit or the period of snow we had earlier this month… Maybe all three? Anyway, finally it has arrived and I can get my teeth into this commission.
This is always an exciting stage; staring at a blank canvas and visualising the finished piece. Watching a new painting unfold is like watching a child grow up. It starts off full of hope and promise and after a period of time, it goes through a ‘skanky teenage’ stage when you wonder where one earth your baby went and you barely even recognise your own work! It’s all part of the process and as is usual with children, eventually they blossom again and you can breathe a sigh of relief!
…Right, here goes! I best get on as it isn’t going to paint itself!
Week in a Nutshell
Highlight: The temperature reaching double figures and the first ray of sunshine this year!
Eating: Cake! My latest phase of lockdown; a need to bake stuff!
Reading: ‘The House by the Sea’ by Louise Douglas (Loving it)
Watching: ‘It’s a Sin'.’ Moving, sad, comical, eye-opening… a real roller-coaster!