New Painting in Progress…
In the Art Studio
40 x 30 Inches, Painting in Progress
Back soon! x
On the easel…
In my previous blog post, I shared my recent painting of doughnuts.
It was a new subject for me, the closest one being, perhaps, the boiled egg and soldiers I painted a few years ago (you can see that on this page), and that’s only because of the bread and the oozy yolk!
I had forgotten how much fun it can be to take yourself somewhere outside the familiar and explore what else is possible. And I think the joy it gave me shows in the finished artwork, so much so that I am debating with myself, about whether or not I should keep it!
Anyway, it certainly made me want to create more artwork along a similar theme, and I have wasted no time in starting a new painting, though this one is quite a bit bigger than my doughnuts!
Can you guess what it is?
So… What’s next?
You can see me here at the easel, working on my base sketch, all the while the next painting after this one is already bubbling away in my head! Again, it will follow a similar thread! So, I guess you could call this the second in a series!
It’s funny how I have gone from the epic and disabling art blog I experienced earlier this year to where I am now, overflowing with ideas and bursting with inspiration!
Week in a Nutshell:
Highlight: Starting a new canvas, of course!
Reading: ‘The Brewery Murders’ by J. R. Ellis
Looking forward to: A night out in Brighton to see Micky Flannigan
Watching: ‘Strictly Come Dancing’