In Progress…

Painting of bottles FV.jpeg

Having finished my previous painting not long ago, I thought you might like a sneaky peak of what I have in progress right now. Well… ‘tis the season, after all, so there’s never a shortage of empty bottles at this time of year!

It’s considerably smaller than my last painting, but I also have another painting of the same theme on the go and the plan is to get both completed before Christmas.

This is the first ‘colour’ layer of the painting and, as is quite usual at this stage, it looks a little flat. But, when I get on to the next layer, that’s when I get really exited; things really start to come to life!

I’ll keep you posted!

Week in a Nutshell

Highlight: Being interviewed on Mike Brennan’s ‘Creative Chats’ podcast… Lovely guy!

Looking forward to: Dinner ‘OUT’ as the second UK lockdown is finally relaxed!

Watching: ‘The Undoing’ (Sky Atlantic). Brilliant!

Thinking about: What will be a very ‘unusual’ Christmas.

Sandra Busby

Painter of playful light in glass and still-life.



The Big Move…